
Entrepreneurial Independence

Entrepreneurial Independence

While working in a job, we hear about people quitting their jobs due to toxic work-culture, feeling undervalued or burnt out. But sometimes it’s none of those things.

You don’t need a negative reason to quit a job, sometimes you’re in your ‘dream job’ but you still take that big step to quit. Sometimes, you quit simply because you’ve achieved what you set out to achieve, you realise it’s time to move on to the next big challenge to progress your career.

I, Mehar Sindhu Batra, did exactly that almost one year ago and started MSB Vision, simply for embracing the unknown and going on a journey of self-growth and believe that it’s time we normalise quitting a job.

Self-growth is a personal process and takes time. Some days you might feel that you aren’t doing anything substantial, but we, as entrepreneurs, need to believe in ourselves and work hard towards our goal and have faith in our vision.

The power of flexibility is the greatest boon for an entrepreneur. Having some extra time to yourself sets the tone for creative and strategic development. It also allows you to explore your personal potential and broaden your skill set.

Being your own boss gives you the freedom to schedule your days as you like.

But, with flexibility comes a lot of responsibility. As a CEO, every final decision for the business must be taken by you. You also wouldn't have access to a few health benefits offered to people with jobs. There is also an irregularity in pay checks. But, if you're confident about your idea and are willing to put your heart and soul into it, being an entrepreneur will open your doors to independence, innovation to build something of your own that you're proud of.

Jumping into entrepreneurship leaving a cushy corporate job was daunting at first. I was excited yet slightly sceptical. But I had an amazing support system of people around me who believed in me and pushed me to go for my dreams.

Once I had my goals for MSB Vision crystal clear in my mind, working hard towards turning my ideas into reality genuinely made my days more fulfilling. Putting in the hard work, time and energy into building an entrepreneurial venture from scratch isn’t a cake walk, but it definitely is the most rewarding and fulfilling feeling in the world. One piece of advice for all the budding entrepreneurs out there is to keep going. Believe in your vision 100%, never lose sight of it and stay consistent.

About the Author

Mehar Sindhu Batra is the CEO and Founder of MSB Vision.

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